23 March

How to reduce costs for payment processing system software developing?

Any company strives to increase their profits. This is the rule of business. Payment service providers are no exception and constantly think how to reduce costs effectively for payment processing system software developing and support.

payment processing system software

However, the payment acceptance and processing industry has its own peculiarities. Read more…

7 March

“One Click Payment” technology for your merchants

What annoys buyers most of all while shopping online? It is having to get up from the sofa to get the wallet, take out the credit card and get back to the sofa to complete the purchase. And then to get up again to put the card back because we seem to use credit cards offline more often than on the Internet.

one сlick payment
Of course, one could go looking for the wallet with the tablet. Or bring the wallet to the sofa before going shopping online. But one must admit it is not very convenient, especially in case of an impulse buy. Read more…
