The white label payment processing platform beGateway today has direct host-to-host integrations with Acquirers, PSPs, alternative payment systems from the EU, the UK, the USA and the CIS countries and bank-links for the Baltic States.
We can add the PSP or acquiring bank you work with to the system upon request. Get from your partner only the relevant API documentation and test data.beGateway a white label payment gateway is now fully integrated with:
1. The acquiring banks and PSPs for bank card acceptance from the UK, the EU, the USA and the CIS countries:
4bill, AlliedWallet, APCOPay, AppexMoney, Arena Plus, AsiaPay, Azul, Bambora, BillLine, CardStream, Cashflows,, Concardis, Citigate, Concord Bank, CreditPilot, Decta, DolcePay, EC1Processing, Ecomm365, E-comprocessing (ECP), EMerchantPay, Epay, FatPayment, FlutterWave, FxPayGate,, HexoPay, Ikajo, Impaya, iPayDNA,, Jysan Bank, Kacoon, Kassa24, LPB, Mafre, NetPay, NMI, OAcquiring Tech, OdeonPay,, Paydoo, Payment.Center, Paysafe, Paythrone, Payture, Payvision, Portmone,, RapidPay,, Reeves, Rietumu, RoyalPay, Sberbank KZ, TBC Bank, TheFlyingMerchant, TransactPro, TrustPay, TrustPayments, TrustSPay, TwisPay, Unlimco, UnonaPay, Vialet, VoguePay, Wari Pay (former Ticket Surf), Wireсard, WonderlandPay, xDev, XPate, ZotaPay, АльфаБанк (AlfaBank), БелГазПромБанк (BelGazPromBank), БСБ Банк (BSB Bank), Всероссийский банк развития регионов (ВБРР) (VBRR), ВТБ (VTB Bank), ЗЕНИТ Банк (Zenit Bank), Московский Индустриальный банк (Moscow Industrial Bank), МТБанк (MTBank), НКО «Русское финансовое общество» (RFO), Первый Украинский Международный Банк (ПУМБ) (PUMB), Петербургский социальный коммерческий банк (PSCB), Промсвязьбанк (PromSvyazBank), Русский Стандарт Банк (Russian Standard Bank), ТрансКапиталБанк (TransCapitalBank).
2. Payment service providers for alternative payment means acceptance:
APCOPay, BankLikns Danskebank LT, BankLinks Citadel, BankLinks Cooppank EST, BankLinks Danskepank EST, BankLinks DNB LV, BankLinks LHVpank EST, BankLinks Nordea LV-LT-EST, BankLinks SEB EST, BankLinks SEB LT-LV, BankLinks Swedbank LT-LV, BillsPay, CashToCode, Finectum, InteracOnline, MuchBetter, NeoSurf, Neteller, Payconiq, PPro, QIWI Wallet,, SafetyPay, SatchelPay, Skrill, SparkPay, TopPay, Trustly, UPaySafe, WebMoney, Yeepay , ЕРИП (ERIP), ЮКасса (YooKassa).
Please pay attention, due to not every one integration is used regularly, some of them might become obsolete and may need to be updated or even re-implemented from scratch. Please contact to check whether the integration you need is valid and usable.